Poço da Amoreira
property details
for a Hub House co-operative coliving project

#62 🏅79% REJECT • €100k • industrial • village • 1900m² mini-hub • Owned and unused by town, thus complicated with no price available. Much more natural than the Covilhã properties, yet still acessaible with a 15min hop on the bus. Splendid location on gorgous little stream with rockpools and valley leading up onto a mountain ridge. 200m higher than Covilhã thus a degree or two cooler. Good potential for integration with local village and tourism development.
OKAY 🔨 effort
GOOD 🚌 transport
OKAY ✈️ access
DODGY 🛒 shops
DODGY 🏙 towns
OKAY 🧗 activities
GOOD ☀️ climate
GREAT ⛰️ nature
GOOD 🌷 garden
OKAY 🏠 building
GOOD ⛲️ hood
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Portugal — near Covilhã, Guarda, (Lisbon)
☃️3–11–20° 🏖30–36° ☀️13 days 🌧9 days
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☃️3–11–20° 🏖30–36° ☀️13 days 🌧9 days
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Environment ✧ natural park with 2,000m peak, lakes; paths and rockpools on doorstep; small ski station 30mins drive; coast 2h
Services ✧ very basic; regular bus to town 15mins
Access ✧ station 10mins drive or 25mins ()15mins bus+10mins walk) for Lisbon in 3h30
Area ✧ ✅ fibre
✦ Town is accessible via night bus with latest at 1am; or 15mins bike ride. Country club 30mins bike (±300m).
✦ One third of a larger building that houses the municipal food market and an indoor sports hall (yes, can be used by us for sports any time of year!). The facade of which is quite ugly, but could potentially be givn a streetart treatment. Could potentially integrate with a community kitchen in the market and redevelop it as an experiential destination involving the locals.
✦ Hiking paths on doorstep to woods and ridge at 1200m.
✦ Can be redeveloped in several phases, finishing with dedicated coworking and events/cinema/living space across the stream
✦ Work score doesn't include the building on other side of stream but that would not be initially required
✦ Lovely land with mulbery tree, to be developed into a community garden arund the seeperate workspace building and enhancing the rocky stream.
✦ Stream might be suitable for small scale hydro during winter (maybe covering heating costs)
200m higher than the town at 700m, thus a degree cooler, with six months nigh temps below 10° (one more than the town); nonetheless can still see 15° daytime temps in December
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✦ Town is accessible via night bus with latest at 1am; or 15mins bike ride. Country club 30mins bike (±300m).
✦ One third of a larger building that houses the municipal food market and an indoor sports hall (yes, can be used by us for sports any time of year!). The facade of which is quite ugly, but could potentially be givn a streetart treatment. Could potentially integrate with a community kitchen in the market and redevelop it as an experiential destination involving the locals.
✦ Hiking paths on doorstep to woods and ridge at 1200m.
✦ Can be redeveloped in several phases, finishing with dedicated coworking and events/cinema/living space across the stream
✦ Work score doesn't include the building on other side of stream but that would not be initially required
✦ Lovely land with mulbery tree, to be developed into a community garden arund the seeperate workspace building and enhancing the rocky stream.
✦ Stream might be suitable for small scale hydro during winter (maybe covering heating costs)
200m higher than the town at 700m, thus a degree cooler, with six months nigh temps below 10° (one more than the town); nonetheless can still see 15° daytime temps in December
property detail ↗︎
Property ✧ The project would involve the acquisition of a municipally owned factory between two existing municipal buildings already renovated (with EU funds), and which would be extended for a new top floor. The project has positive feedback from the village mayor and municipality, but is of course still subject to negotiations and planning approval and this seems unlikely to be completed in any timely manner not least as they don't even seem to know if they own it, let alone would accept an offer.
towards ownership and use in any property
email jacob@hub.house, or join the Whatsapp group