property details
for a Hub House co-operative coliving project

#76 🥉82% REJECT • €295k • commercial • town • 1300m² mini-hub • Would be a very well located hub, but higher up-front capital requirement. (Photo pre-repairs, better than appears.)
GOOD 🔨 effort
GOOD 🚌 transport
GREAT ✈️ access
GOOD 🛒 shops
GOOD 🏙 towns
GOOD 🧗 activities
OKAY ☀️ climate
GOOD ⛰️ nature
OKAY 🌷 garden
OKAY 🏠 building
DODGY ⛲️ hood
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southern France — near Tarbres, Pau, (Biarritz, Toulouse)
☃️4–11–18° 🏖27–35° ☀️8 days 🌧14 days;
☃️4–11–18° 🏖27–35° ☀️8 days 🌧14 days;
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Environment ✧ base of mountains, paths on hill 15mins walk; skiing 45mins, coast 1h30
Services ✧ everything; train to Tarbres 15mins, Pau 25mins
Access ✧ almost next to station, airport 15mins (year-round Lisbon, London; many seasonal); Toulouse 2h, Bordeaux 2h30; Paris 5h (€40)
Area ✧ too expensive; was very briefly advertised at 170k a year ago, then conversion to housing was filed presumably thus the increase in price
✦ roof and facade recently repaired
✦ easily 20 rooms with good communal spaces in-line with target budget
✦ 2x 500m2 floors (16x30) and a 300m2 basement (48x6)
✦ basement is actually equiavalent to second storey as on hill, having windows along its length albeit above the garages and facing the apartment block, thus not great but fine for standard rooms
✦ 350m2 outdoor space that could be made into garden/terraces, one edge bordered by some trees
✦ on a rise partly above other buildings; south view is obstructed by apartment block, west view to chateau in winter (trees), north and east across town into hills
property detail ↗︎
✦ roof and facade recently repaired
✦ easily 20 rooms with good communal spaces in-line with target budget
✦ 2x 500m2 floors (16x30) and a 300m2 basement (48x6)
✦ basement is actually equiavalent to second storey as on hill, having windows along its length albeit above the garages and facing the apartment block, thus not great but fine for standard rooms
✦ 350m2 outdoor space that could be made into garden/terraces, one edge bordered by some trees
✦ on a rise partly above other buildings; south view is obstructed by apartment block, west view to chateau in winter (trees), north and east across town into hills
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