Moulin de la Bousière
property details
for a Hub House co-operative coliving project
#92 🏅76% SOLD • €320k • historic • village • 1300m² hub • Conceptual with amazing potential and affordability for such proximity to Paris, with huge garden and island, but floods.
DODGY 🔨 effort
GREAT 🚌 transport
GREAT ✈️ access
OKAY 🛒 shops
GOOD 🏙 towns
OKAY 🧗 activities
DODGY ☀️ climate
DODGY ⛰️ nature
GOOD 🌷 garden
GOOD 🏠 building
GOOD ⛲️ hood
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northern France — near Chartes, Paris
☃️2–7–13° 🏖25–33° ☀️6 days 🌧11 days
☃️2–7–13° 🏖25–33° ☀️6 days 🌧11 days
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Environment ✧ agricultural plains, river ralley, some wooded walks on door
Services ✧ good; town 10mins train
Access ✧ station 10mins walk, 1h Paris (last 11pm)
Area ✧ obviously northern climate, half of days significantly cloudy
✦ impressive water flow for hydro (no heating costs year round)
✦ potentially about 28 units with good common spaces
✦ share cost could be €3k/month which is a steal for a location so close to a major city
✦ 600m2 main building on four floors of 150m2 plus attic; 7.5m depth 22m length
✦ 150m2 attached cottage on 2 floors
✦ 220m2 barn (south-west on road) has two floors of 110m2; only 2 loft windows but potential to extend with new build
✦ 1700m2 island, 1200m2 garden, 300m2 additional land
✦ part of the cottage roof has collapsed, and barn is in bad condition but could be rebuilt as either public coworking or studios; everyting else appears in good condition, including roof
✦ recently used as an antique shop
✦ regular floods, however ground floor appears above flood levels
✦ impressive water flow for hydro (no heating costs year round)
✦ potentially about 28 units with good common spaces
✦ share cost could be €3k/month which is a steal for a location so close to a major city
✦ 600m2 main building on four floors of 150m2 plus attic; 7.5m depth 22m length
✦ 150m2 attached cottage on 2 floors
✦ 220m2 barn (south-west on road) has two floors of 110m2; only 2 loft windows but potential to extend with new build
✦ 1700m2 island, 1200m2 garden, 300m2 additional land
✦ part of the cottage roof has collapsed, and barn is in bad condition but could be rebuilt as either public coworking or studios; everyting else appears in good condition, including roof
✦ recently used as an antique shop
✦ regular floods, however ground floor appears above flood levels
…towards ownership and use in any property. Email, Whatsapp, or join the Facebook group. Refer your circle for discounted shares.